Ray Schmidt

Ray Schmitt (Massachusetts, USA) is an Emeritus Research Scholar and a Physical Oceanographer. His undergraduate education was at B.Sc. Carnegie-Mellon University, followed by a Ph.D in Physics at the University of Rhode Island in Physical Oceanography:
Research/ Interests: Ocean mixing and microstructure; the global water cycle, double-diffusive convection; relationships between small scale mixing processes and large-scale temperature and salinity distributions; the thermohaline circulation of the ocean; development of microprofiling instrumentation; autonomous profiling floats; the salinity distribution and its measurement; terrestrial rainfall prediction using ocean salinity; seismic oceanography (See Science Article)
Affiliations: Ocean Studies Board, National Academy of Sciences, 2005-2007. Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change, America's Climate Choices, National Academy of Sciences, 2009-2010. Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Assessment Committee, National Academy of Sciences, 2011-2012. NASA Salinity Science Team leader, 2011-2017 NASA Earth Science Advisory Committee 2014-2020AwardsJ. S. Guggenheim Fellow, 1997-1998. Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2012 2018 Harald Sverdrup Lecture, AGU Fall Meeting Van Allen Clark Sr. Chair for Excellence in Oceanography 2012-2017
Research/ Interests: Ocean mixing and microstructure; the global water cycle, double-diffusive convection; relationships between small scale mixing processes and large-scale temperature and salinity distributions; the thermohaline circulation of the ocean; development of microprofiling instrumentation; autonomous profiling floats; the salinity distribution and its measurement; terrestrial rainfall prediction using ocean salinity; seismic oceanography (See Science Article)
Affiliations: Ocean Studies Board, National Academy of Sciences, 2005-2007. Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change, America's Climate Choices, National Academy of Sciences, 2009-2010. Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Assessment Committee, National Academy of Sciences, 2011-2012. NASA Salinity Science Team leader, 2011-2017 NASA Earth Science Advisory Committee 2014-2020AwardsJ. S. Guggenheim Fellow, 1997-1998. Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2012 2018 Harald Sverdrup Lecture, AGU Fall Meeting Van Allen Clark Sr. Chair for Excellence in Oceanography 2012-2017