A kelp coin(R) token is a True Blue(TM) digital forward contract representing a ton of seaweed grown on marine permaculture platforms and a regenerative carbon credit for a tonne of carbon dioxide sunk to the seafloor.
For every contribution of $250 this year (2023), we will provide you with a token of our appreciation; a unique, serialized digital Kelp Coin™ security token comprising a forward contract on a tonne of seaweed.
As a security token, the Kelp Coin(R) can be bought and held to maturity, after which we anticipate it can be exchanged on open markets and can serve as a store of carbon, a tonne of natural capital grown on a marine permaculture that regenerates life in the oceans. Finally when Kelp Coin™ security tokens are sunk anytime after maturity, we will causes a tonne of seaweed representing a tonne of carbon dioxide to be sequestered back to the middle and deep sea from whence it came.
Your investment in Kelp Coin™ security tokens will help to build the natural capital that our planet needs to regenerate life in the ocean and a healthy climate for Earth’s residents, one kelp forest at a time. Please join us in leading the way towards a healthy, sustainable future.
Details on the Kelp Coin™ forward contract are to be issued later this year. Each Kelp Coin™ security token has an associated date representing the year of issuance. The forward contract settles within 48 months of the year of issuance. The forward contract specifies a distinct tonne of seaweed that is produced by the settlement date.
Want to Learn More About
Natural Capital?
Natural capital (aka environmental or ecological capital)is the natural resources (energy/matter) and processes needed by organizations to produce their products and deliver their services. This includes sinks that absorb, neutralize, or recycle wastes (e.g. forests, oceans): resources, some of which are renewable (timber, grain, fish, and water), and others that are not (fossil fuels): and processes, such as climate regulation and the carbon cycle, that enable life to continue to a balanced way.
It's Time
Together we can do this, there is no need to wait any longer. Everyone has the ability to participate and support by investing in natural capital to accelerate protection and restoration efforts such as Marine Permaculture worldwide.